Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Beasts of England

D iction: When I read the speech and looked at the word choice I noticed that it repeated beast multiple times. The words that stood out to me the most though were tyrant, hearken, and toil.
I magry: This speech makes you picture a good, happy, wonderful future. Some of the phrases and words that show this are joyful tidings, golden future, sweeter, and bright will shine.
D etails: It didn't really get very discriptive but it described the environment and some actions. Examples: Cruel whips crack no more. Spur rust forever, golden future, bright will shine the fields, and sweeter will blow the breezes.
L anguage: Words were used to show a bright, happy future but there weren't many long complex word. Some words used to depict a bright, happy future were, bright, purer, sweeter, joyful, golden, and riches.
S entence structure: Each tiny section or paragraph was either a compound - complex or compound sentence. Some of the speech rhymed, such as when it said, "And the harness from our back, Cruel whips no more shall crack."
Overall the tone of this speech was a happy, joyful, and bright future.


melissa said...

Drew!! you are an amazing best friend:)

Anonymous said...

Good job, i think you should make your conclusion a little stronger though.

Mr. G. said...

Drew, where's the final analysis/inference about the tone and style?