Thursday, May 15, 2008

SOAPStone Depression

Store Front

S- The subject of this photo seems to be a store called McCollum Grocery Co. with watermelons and various food infront of it. There is also a man standing in front of the store reading the window wich has a list of prices for the food inside.

O-It looks like this photo is during the Great depression because the prices listed on the window for food are very cheap. Also there is only one man standing outside the store who seems to be wealthy because he is wearing a suit and a hat. There would be more people outside of the store if they had enough money to buy food.

A-This photo is targeted toward all audiences but it may be directed more toward adults because it is showing that being able to go to work and make money to buy food is something that some people were not able to do in the past. Therefore they should be thankful for being able to have a job.

P- The main purpose of this photo is to illustrate and inform peolple about the past. It shows that people didn't have the luxurious we have today and that we should be thankful for everything we have. We get each meal every day and we should be thankful for that.

S- What is important to this person is that every is thankful for what they have. If the artist didn't want to show that, there probably would not have been only one person standing infront of the grocery store with a suit but multiple people.

Tone- There is no real tone to this picture, but you may be able to say it is lonely because the guy is standing infront of the store all by himself with no other living organisms in the picture.

Racism at a Train Station

S- The main subject in this picture is an african american male dressed nicely with a sign above him that says "colored waiting room". Behind him is also another african american woman. To his right is a train pulling into the station.

O- Looking at this picture you can tell that it was taken in the 1950's when there was alot of racism going on.

A- This picture is intended for all adults. It may be directed more towards cocassions to show that african americans are really not that much different than other people, they dress the same, ride the train, and everything else.

P-The purpose of this picture is to inform about racism and point out to people how ridiculous racism is because in this picture it says colored waiting room, they weren't even allowed to wait for the train next to white people! I think this was too show people that it was going way too far and they were starting to make too many ruled for the smallest little things.

S- The artist that took this picture may be a white adult that was against slavery. Maybe he took this picture in attempt to help others start to notice how bad racism was. I think the artist was probably white because people probably wouldn't have listned to any african americans and there would have been no point of taking this picture.

Tone- The tone of this picture is pride. The male standing in the picture is dressed nice and he looks like he is proud to be who he is but he wants to be equal and respected by white people.

Downtown Resteraunt
S- The main subject of this photo is the outside of this resteraunt. On the right sid there is a door and above it it says "colored". Then on the opposite side of the front of the resteraunt is another door that says"white". There is a crack in the middle of the window kind of deviding the two sides. On the "white" side it says hot weiners and hamburgers priced at 5 cents and on the "colored" side it only says lunches priced at 25, 30, and 35 cents.
O- It also seems like this is during the 1950's when there was still alot of racism going on. You can tell by the two entrances and writing on the window that this was taken during racist times.
A- This picture is for all ages, gender, and race.
P-The purpose of this photo to is inform and illustrate about what America was like during the 1950's as the nation was struggling with racism. It shows how unfairly african americans were treated and showed that everything was unfair for them, all the way from drinking fountains and bathrooms, to resteraunts and buses.
S- I am not really able to tell much about the artist from this picture but one reason I think the artist may have taken this photo is so everyone would be able to reflect on how rough life was for african americans. One conclusion you may be able to make though is that the artist was white because they took the picture from the "white" side of the resteraunt.
Tone- The tone of the picture is indifferent becuase it does not really show any emotion. It is taken of a resteraunt that is not old a beaten down and it has one nicer car and one older car parked out front.

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